The Prison Healer Review

Why did I wait so long to read this book! The Prison Healer really surprised me. I was worried because it takes place in a small isolated environment that it would be very slow and drag but those fears where unfounded. It’s incredibly difficult to write a single location book but Lynette Noni does it beautifully. While the book does indeed only take place in the Zalindov prison, the infirmary mostly, instead of feeling stagnant the single environment truly lets the characters be in the spotlight.

My favorite character isn’t even one of the leads. Tipp has to be one of my most loved characters of the year. Less than 20 pages into the book and I already knew I would rage if anything happened to this sweet, innocent, child that was so full of light and joy in such a bleak world. Every time he appears you just can’t help but grin. His character really encompasses the strength and perseverance children have even in the darkest places. When adults give up and wither due to circumstances, children can always find a way to make the best of things and view the world around them differently. 

Kiva is a pragmatic survivor. She has had to learn how to survive in a place few do.  She follows strict rules that isolate and stigmatize her even more for that survival. Holding on to the hope that her family would be coming for her keeps her going.The fact that she will help even those that spun and detest her the same as anyone else is truly a testament to her character.

The romance between Kiva and Jaren is slow, slow, slow burn for sure. It feels authentic considering Kiva builds walls around her heart as a survival mechanism. Insta love would have felt all wrong and forced. Jaren is the perfect mold for a swoon worthy hero. It will be interesting to see more of his character development in the next book, as well as the relationships path. There where some really interesting wrenches thrown in at the end of the book that will make it interesting to say the least.

Speaking of plot twists the book had quite a few at the end. The biggest one was quite illuminating and reframes many of the the parts of the book in a different light when you look back. I love that there where actually 2 main plot lines in the book. One is the mysterious illness ravaging the prisoner population. If you pay attention there are several bits of foreshadowing along the way about the mystery of the illness. The reveal of it was apparent with these hints but it was a very satisfying plot line still. The second major plot line is the rebel queen and Kiva’s mission to protect her. This leads to a couple major plot twists at the end. I had a vague idea of what they where but the specifics of the twist was surprising and really makes me look forward to the next book. 

The Prison Healer will be one of my top reads this year for sure. I love Noni’s writing style and how she is really able to bring her characters to life by their own merits without depending on a vast and various scenery. 

The Prison Healer Review
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