The Kindred Soul of Nora Faye Review

The Kindred Soul of Nora Faye is as beautifully heartbreaking as I have come to expect from the series. We are back to Beck’s POV and I find that I very much prefer it to Easton’s from the second book of the series. A large span of time is covered over the course of this book, during which Beck becomes a wife and a mother. The book puts you through an emotional roller coaster for sure. Running the gamut from lighthearted humor to soul crushing despair all in one book, there is no way it could be said the book lacks emotional depth. Both happy tears and tears of pain were shed over the course of the book. I think several parts hit me particularly hard as I’m a mother myself.

So much about the book was relatable and authentic feeling. From Beck worrying about her daughter making friends to the stresses of married life, the book captures life as a young wife and mother perfectly.

The ending does have a cliffhanger that leaves Beck and Easton in a compromising situation that can bring everything they have built crashing down around them like a house of cards. I can’t wait till the final book is released and we get to see how they get out of the hole they dug themselves without losing what the happiness they have found.

The Kindred Soul of Nora Faye Review

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