Sin Eater’s Daughter Trilogy Review

This series was a pleasant surprise for me. I haven’t seen much at all about it, and being an older series I went in to it without many expectations. All 3 books where great reads that quickly I devoured. The first and second book each focus on a different heroine’s POV, with the third book bringing both POV’s together. 

If you have read From Blood and Ash by Jennifer Armentrout, the first book , the Sin Eater’s Daughter, might give you a feeling if deja Vu. Both focus on a naive young girl seen as a religious symbol by her people and under the “protection” of the ruling monarch. Both girls are cosseted away and denied personal relationships with others. Both fall in love with the new and dreamy guard assigned to them. They are extremely similar in their overall stories on the surface but the details are where the Sin Eater’s Daughter differentiates itself as it’s own story. 

I loved the characters, all in of them. I can’t think of a single one that I just didn’t love, even when I hated them. There is a love triangle with Twylla, her new guard, and the crown prince, but the way it’s used is a perfect execution of the trope in my opinion. Some of the best complex, morally grey characters I have read in a while are in the series, as well as the sweetest marshmallows. The many numerous betrayals will break your heart because the characters are truly that well done.

The first two books where extremely strong, unfortunately the last half of the third does have a few problems. Primarily with the ending being a bit rushed and a few characterization choices feeling a tad bit out of character and could have used a bit more fleshing out. Particularly with Twylla. My biggest complaint has to be not enough Silas in the last book. He is the sweetest marshmallow and I just wanted more. 

Overall the series will be one I recommend to anyone that loves morally grey characters, secret identities, betrayals, and underdog revolutions. It is pretty romance heavy so sex is discussed and happens but no explicit content with everything fade to black

Sin Eater’s Daughter Trilogy Review

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