Cast in Firelight Review

Cast in Firelight is set in a world where magic is bestowed by the gods and one’s place in society is determined by how many of the 9 different types, or colors, of magic they can cast. Adraa is expected to display her mastery of all 9 colors of magic on her birthday as heir to the throne of Belwar. Unfortunately she is plagued with doubt, insecurity, and feelings of helplessness about her role in her country. These feelings are only made worse with her arranged engagement to the heir of the Naupure throne, Jatin. Both Adraa and Jatin are competitive leading to an almost 10 year long distance rivalry. 

Not only do we have an arranged marriage trope but a mistaken identities, rivals to love, and vigilante tropes present. The world building is done very well allowing you to really feel immersed in the world Swift builds. The magic system is well thought out and explained clearly. The beginning of the book does include a map (something greatly appreciated in a high fantasy setting) as well as a chart with all 9 gods and what they represent, as well as the powers they bestow further adding to the world building. 

The pacing could be a little faster but it is steady. The romance between the two main characters helps pull along the story with their fun banter and the sweet progression from distaste to love. It’s more of a rivals to lovers vs the ever popular enemies to lovers trope but still has that wonderful angst we all love. 

I do like the strong themes present of not judging ones worth and power by their looks within the book, as well as the destiny vs free will theme later on in the book. Overall I would say it’s a good but not great book. I did enjoy reading it but it wasn’t something I couldn’t put down or will be obsessing over years from now. I have an ARC for the sequel that comes out later this month that I will be reviewing tomorrow.

Cast in Firelight Review
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