Pack of Storms and Stars Review

Finally my boy Liam gets his happy ending. If there was one thing I hated about the original trilogy it was Liam being so heartbroken and alone at the end. Being partial to the bad boys this book fills my alphahole loving heart.

18 Months after the duel and Liam becoming pack alpha to the newly combined bolder/creek pack we find Liam coming to beaver creek to investigate a murder that ends up being bigger than it looks a first glance. I loved the murder mystery plot of the book. It was fast paced and had great twists. The ending was so satisfying and tied up all the loose ends well. Even without another book, which is already confirmed, I would be content with where everything lands. I am happy we are getting another book though so I don’t have to say goodby to the Bolder Wolfpack again already.

Fatherhood and leadership has tempered Liam down some but he is still that alphahole I loved from the first books. He is fiercely protective and so loving under that stone exterior of his. At one point Nikki calls him an emotionally-stunted commitment-phobic male and its so on point it’s not even funny. When he does open himself up though and doesn’t run away from his feelings it’s pure perfection. The way he is with his son Storm is so sweet and unexpected.

Nikki is just perfect for Liam. She is the sweet to his salty. While she still deals with insecurities over her remaining physical injuries and scaring from an accident a year and a half ago, she never let it bring her down for too long. Her brothers are a hoot and their interactions are some for the funniest in the book. Growing up with 4 older brothers absolutely prepared her to deal with Liam. I love that she made him work for it and held him accountable for the shit he pulled. The almost instant bond with baby Storm and how she loves him with no strings attached melts your heart.

This book was everything I wanted it to be and then some when I first heard we where going back to visit the Bolder Wolfpack.

Pack of Storms and Stars Review

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