Unraveled Review

Angelina J Steffort is a master at heartbreak. She knows just how to destroy you in the best ways possible. I cried longer than I care to admit after finishing this book. I was given an ARC copy for review purposes in exchange for an honest review.

Unraveled is book 2 in the breath of fate series. A take on the reaper mythos, the story follows Laney as she navigates the world of heaven and hell and the beings that work for them. Laney is enjoying the relationship she has found with her long time friend Leon but something is off. Secrets strain their fledgling romance. The book doesn’t have much action but makes up for that with loads of character and story development. Nothing at the end of the book is how it started. All 3 main characters learn more about themselves, their pasts, futures, and how they are connected to each other. Some major plot twists and story development happens that has me really excited for the next installment.

I love how Laney finally learns to follow her gut and really removes her rose colored glasses of shared history when it comes to love and Leon. When she finally has that ah ah moment and recognizes the off feeling she had about him, and opens herself up to really examine her feelings was great. She was always irritated by any moves Leon made to stake a claim on her which is completely understandable. It was beautiful though when she finally understood and experienced real love and how with it belonging to someone wasn’t a loss of independence because not only do you belong to them but they belong to you just as equally.

As a member of team Cas from the beginning I have to say I thoroughly and enthusiastically loved the romance in the book. Cas is this beautifully broken and lost boy that is more than he seems at first glance. The side story with him and Avery really showed a side of him that wasn’t seen before. Give me a morally grey man that owns it over the one that doesn’t even recognize or admit that their actions are anything but noble and justified any day. Cough, cough, Leon…..

The ending was one hell of a cliffhanger and like I said, will utterly destroy you. I love a good cry and Unraveled delivers. Books are all about emotions and the emotional journey as much as the story lines themselves to me and this was a nice balance of both.

Unraveled releases at the end of the month on April 30th. Grab the first book Torn if you haven’t already to prepare for it’s release.

Unraveled Review
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