Dark Skies Review

Dark Skies starts chronologically at the same time as Dark Shores but follows Lydia. While you could read Dark Skies first I think it works much better after Dark Shores. There are some things that will make much more sense reading in this order.

If you have read Dark Shores you will remember she is Teriana’s friend that was being forced into a unwanted marriage leading to Teriana breaking her oath of secrecy that eventually leads to the Celendorians learning about the west and kickstarting the events of Dark Shores. With this book we learn how that information was found out and that Lydia didn’t in fact betray Teriana’s trust. When Marcus botched her assassination she ends up transported across the endless sea to Mudamora, a land in the middle of a war they are losing. Lydia starts out a meek scholar with little control over her own life. A pawn to be used by those around her. Over time she learns more about herself, where she belongs, and her inner strength. Finding the strength to no longer hide away while ignoring the things happening around her she finds herself in a web of political posturing, games, and a war against a terrifying enemy she could have never imagined. Trying to do what is the best for those around her, sacrificing herself and what she wants. Only this time she is the one making her own choices, not others.

Killian is marked by the god Tremon, but having lost his post at the wall that separates his homeland from the land controlled by the followers of the seventh, he returns to the capital disgraced and feeling forsaken by the gods. Trying to make up for the horrors he feels responsible for bringing upon his people he does everything he can to help the victims of what he sees and his failure. He is honor driven, sometimes to a fault, and suffers many betrayals by those around him that are more focused on claiming power for themselves than anything.

The romance was so sweet and heartbreaking. Both Lydia and Killian have such big hearts and care so much for others that they never let themselves fully acknowledge and for sure not act on, their feelings for each other. So many times when at a crossroads they both pick the path that is for the greater good than the one leading to each other.

The feel of Mudamora is much more medieval Europe than the roman style in the previous books. As always Jensen lays out the world beautifully with enough detail to paint a picture but not bog you down with excessive descriptions.

I love that even with a mostly new cast and setting there is still a continuity with the previous books through the overlap in Lydia’s story. I can’t wait to see how the threads of the books get brought together. Lydia and Killian deserve to get rewarded for all the sacrifice. there are so many possibilities for the story already that I know without a doubt we are just starting a wild ride.

Dark Skies Review
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