The Tethered Soul of Easton Green Review

The Tethered Soul of Easton Green had me in tears from chapter 1. A story of life, death, love, and loss that will give you all the feels. I haven’t cried this much in a while. If you love books like a Walk to Remember and enjoy a paranormal twist this is a must read.

Everly Beck has just finds out that at 22 she only has months to live when she gets a terminal cancer diagnosis. She goes through the stages of grief throughout the book and its so raw and real. What scares her more than dying is the pity and heartbreak when her family and friends find out. On her way home from receiving her untimely death sentence she comes across a boy about to jump from a bridge in town and finds that talking with him not only saves him but they save each other. Easton has secrets and Everly is determined to find out more about this mysterious boy that she finds herself able to confide in when she can’t anyone else.

Everly’s journey with her grief is so authentic. It’s clear the author understands the fear, pain, and anger that comes with it. The helplessness and feelings of loss of control. The instinct to push those you love away to protect them. Easton was absolutely perfect. He was there to support her when she needed it but didn’t push when she needed space. A pure soul through and through.

I wish the tethered should concept was explained and explored more. Everly’s lack of questions about the whole concept was a bit frustrating and I wish there would have been some things explained such as how and why a soul becomes tethered. I’m guessing the second book will answer these questions and more.

There is no HEA at the end. It is absolutely a tragedy that ends with a cliffhanger so be ready. Make sure you have tissues and are ok waiting till June to get the next book if cliffhangers are not your thing.

The Tethered Soul of Easton Green Review

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