The Queen will Betray You Review

The Queen Will Betray You picks up a few days from where the first book left off with Amarande headed back to Its to warn her people about the pending retribution for her actions at the wedding and drum up aid for Luca in his bid to retake his birthright as hair to the Torrance throne. When Amarande returns home she finds not only her long lost mother returned but a boy that could be a mirror image of her father 20 years ago. Not only are the threats at home but abroad as the dowager queen InĂ©s hasn’t stopped her own plotting for power. Throughout the book there are betrayals, political scheming, and nation changing secrets revealed that change the political landscape while everyone scrambles to claim what they thing is theirs through blood or conquest.

I love how many of the characters showed vast growth from book one. That was one of my criticisms from book one was how flat and under developed some of the characters where. Luca being one of the most apparent improvements. Thank goodness he grew a personality beyond just being the kind and trusting love interest. He actually takes action and his own life in his hands. Taillefer has to be one of my favorite characters still. Yah he is a scheming little weasel but he is upfront about who and what he is. He clearly does have good intentions but his upbringing in a household with little to no love, where everyone is an enemy damaged him deeply. He was the most entertains character for sure with his quick whit and snark.

The book had very feminist themes, but I feel like they really fell flat when the worst people, committing the worst acts in the book, did so in name of dismantling the patriarchy. Especially when everything was said and done it turns out they where just using feminism as a shield for their own lust for power. I feel like the concept of ageism brought up briefly multiple times when it came to Amarande, Luca, and Taillefer fighting for their birthrights was a much stronger plot line at the end of the day.

I was really disappointed in the non ending we got. There are so many plot lines left open with no closure at all. It really feels like it should be a trilogy instead of a duology. I don’t expect every series to end all nice and neat with a bow on top but I do expect the major plot points to be wrapped up. There is no word on a third book anywhere so it seems we will all be left with a make your own adventure situation when it comes to the future of the sand and sky realm.

Overall with no shortage of political intrigue, betrayals, and action The Queen Will Betray You is a fast paced read that brings you into a world where nothing is quite what it seems and power is the driving force behind everything. The Queen Will Betray You releases July 6th.

I was given this advanced copy for my honest review through NetGalley.

The Queen will Betray You Review

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