March Book Releases

A new month means new book releases! This month has several new releases on my TBR list is filled with books all from series I have already started. Some well known and others not so much.

First up is Covet, the third book in the Crave series by Tracy Wolff. People either love the series or hate it. Frequently compared to Twilight it does follow the the formula that made Twilight famous. Girl in a new school? Check. Teenage angst? Check. Mysterious and moody heart throb? Check. Vampires? Check. The series doesn’t take itself too seriously and even pokes fun at itself with the male lead gifting a copy of Twilight to our heroine. With the second book, Crush, the series comes into itself a bit more and hits you with one heck of a plot twist and cliffhanger. I’m excited to see where the story takes us after the ending Crush left us with even though I have some reservations about some of the things foreshadowed. As long as you go into the series not expecting an emotionally deep life changing experience but instead a fun campy throwback to the style that made you fall in love with vampires in high school Covet is a must read this March.

Covet releases March 2nd

Shine Is the third and final book in the Her Dark Face Prince series by Juliann Whicker. With a unique twist to fae that I have never seen. The series is a fun story of star crossed lovers that just can’t catch a break in the supernatural war brewing. Quirky is how I would describe this book and the world built in it. The romance between El and Met is so tooth achingly sweet it makes you roll your eyes while fighting a smile. with dual perspective you really get to see both sides of the relationship grow. Nothing makes sense in the magic system and supernatural world but I can easily accept that because the romance is just that good. Book two ended with a big cliffhanger that promises more action and drama after some massive revelations took place. Im hoping El comes into her power and storms the gates of the underworld to save her fated mate from the clutches of his evil mother and queen.

Shine releases March 2nd and will be available on Kindle unlimited.

Faith is the third book in the The Equinox Pact series. Described as Cinderella meets Twilight we have vampires, werewolves, witches, and an evil stepmother and sister. Our star-crossed lovers are not only separated by species and socioeconomic status but it seems the balance itself is trying to keep them apart. Be warned you will absolutely want to rage when it comes to not only the heroines stepmom and step sisters actions and attitude but her dad’s naivety and unwillingness to stand up to them. Thankfully it looks like that will be addressed and fixed after the events that took place at the end of book 2. Im also hoping this vague idea of the balance will be fleshed out more with book 3 because at it stands it’s not the most transparent concept and isn’t very meaningful, but just used and the reasoning whenever why what’s happening is questioned.

Faith releases March 23rd.

Flamesword is officially book 2 if the Flameskin Chronicles but I would call it book 3 personally since I see Firefrost as part of the series myself. Lark is a flameskin, someone with a living flame inside them. The symbiotic nature of the magic system in this universe is unique and intriguing. It adds an internal battle on top of the external one in the storyline. There seems to be less emphasis on romance and more on the world as a whole and the changes and difficulties the characters have in it. I’m interested to see how the characters, specifically Lark, evolve and grow throughout their journeys. Bigotry is a big theme in this series and it will be interesting to see if and how the main characters can confront and overcome it.

Flamesword releases March 30th and will be available on Kindle unlimited

Last but not least we have Bone Crier’s Dawn, the conclusion the the Duology. A take on the reaper mythos, Bone Crier’s Dawn will continue where Bone Crier’s Moon left off. The first book challenged the idea behind fated love and if you could ever trust the feelings behind it. Bone Crier’s Dawn looks like it will continue that theme as well as the overall idea of fighting fate and the laws between life and death that govern their lives. With not only an emphasis on romantic love but also familial love emotions ran high in the first book and I expect no less from the second. The magic system based on sacrifice for power is interesting and I’m hoping it’s expanded upon in this book. Hopefully we get HEAs all around and a good ride getting there.

Bone Crier’s Dawn releases March 30th

What books are you looking forward to this next month?

March Book Releases
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