Grace and Glory Review

Grace and glory is the end of Trinity and Zayne’s story picking up right where book 2 ends. Zane is back from the dead, with a major power boost. Problem is he doesn’t remember who he is or what Trinity means to him. Don’t worry though because Jennifer Armentrout always gives us that oh so sweet HEA. You just have to work for it, and boy do they have to.

A large portion of the book is devoted to Trinity trying to reach the part of Zane she knows is still inside, while and embraces his inner alphahole causing havoc wherever he goes. Unfortunately this leads to a lot of downtime in the story. Sadly the wait and see doesn’t end there. Most the book is filled with the characters waiting for something to happen with small bouts of action here and there.

An extremely awkward pregnancy story line is thrown in that just feels like fluff to add length. Honestly it came across feeling forced. Add in the fact that it’s resolution was problematic, brushing off the possibility of pregnancy after unprotected sex as something from a “bad sex Ed video“. Downplaying the risk of pregnancy from unprotected sex, especially in a book teenagers would be reading does not play well with me. I will be honest that is pretty much put me off the whole book.

There were several continuity errors throughout. Things like Thierry being Jada‘s uncle previously, then being referred to as her dad in this book. It feels like this book was uninspired and just thrown out there almost. I fully understand that keeping details consistent across the series can be hard, especially when you’re writing more than one series at a time. I’m just surprised that beta and ARC readers didn’t catch some of these errors as a few of them are pretty big. I’m glad the series is completed and Trinity and Zayne have their HEA. While I had some issues with the book, as a whole I enjoyed seeing the conclusion to Trinity and Zayne’s story.

Grace and Glory Review

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